We will take part in the 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing that is to be held 13 – 17 June 2016 in Munich, Germany. We invite you to visit our stand S 36, Hall 14b, 1st floor. We will present all range of our devices. Our director Dr. Syasko will present the following papers on the conference: “Modelling and Optimization of Transducers Implementing Technology Magnetic Flux Leakage (MFL)”, “Thickness Measurement of Nickel Coatings on Walls of Nuclear Waste Storage Tanks”.
We signed distribution agreements with BEIJING HANTANG INDUSTRIAL INTERNATIONAL TRADING Co., Ltd., Beijing, China and HANTANG INDUSTRIAL (HONGKONG) Ltd., Hong Kong for exclusive dealership in China, Hong Kong and Macao.
We will attend the 54th Annual Conference that will take place at The International Centre, Telford, UK, 8-10 September 2015. Our Director Dr. Syasko will present а conference paper with the following title: “The modelling and optimisation of parameters of MFL transducers”.
In connection with the development of manufacture department we moved to new address:
Nademlejnska 600/1
198 00 Prague
Czech Republic
We have new distributor in Romania – company TEST TRADING Srl., Bucharest, Romania.
We attended the NDT International Symposium that took place 10-12 June 2015 in Constanta, Romania. We read paper on NDT methods and instruments and presented our devices at the exhibition.
We will be glad to meet you at our stand number 5-341 in Hall 5 at the exhibition European Coatings SHOW 2015 that will take place 21-23 April 2015 in Nuremberg, Germany. We will present our devices and instruments for coatings inspection.
The lot of angle beam, dual and miniature angle beam transdcuers made on demand were shipped to our representative in Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia, company Telikol OU.
We will demonstrate our new developments at exhibition NDT2014 held 9-11 September, 2014, Palace Hotel, Manchester, UK. Our colleagues will also present paper with the title: “Development of eddy current tangential transducers for inspection of threads of pump compressor and drill pipes.” at the conference organised by The British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing. Read the paper here.
We will be glad to meet you at the annual international engineering fair MSV2014 that will take place from September 29 to October 3, 2014, in Brno, Czech Republic. We will present our new devices that complete our range of products.